Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Some Like It Scandalous: The Gilded Age Girls Club by Maya Rodale

Teatime and Books Historical Reads


Some Like It Scandalous
The Gilded Age Girls Club


Maya Rodale

June 18, 2019
Mass Market
Fiction / Romance / Historical (American/Victorian)

A huge, dynamite full 5 Teacups for Some Like It Scandalous, the newest in Maya Rodale’s The Gilded Age Girls Club! This book kept me up until the wee hours of the morning, I absolutely loved it!

We start off with a flashback to Central Park, New York 1883, our heroine, Daisy Swann’s childhood where her book is snatched from her hands by none-other-than Theodore Prescott the Third, as he grabs her book she falls backward into the swampy pond amidst scum and the quacking of the ducks. He begins calling her Ugly Duck Daisy, which stuck with her through the years. Now in 1895 Daisy is grown up and she is summoned by her mother where she is informed that she is to marry, to her horror, none-other-than Theodore Prescott the Third. She is aghast and refuses to marry him. Her mother informs her of the scandal pending but does not give her any details, all Daisy knows is she must do something to save her family and provide for herself. Daisy has had her heart set on becoming a spinster and making a great success at selling her facial cream, which is the only real beauty she has her soft, luscious complexion. Well, she runs out into the rain to the park where she runs literally into Theodore. 

He too has been informed that his wayward ways and days gallivanting about the city, causing scandal after scandal, will come to an end when he marries Daisy (Ugly Duck Daisy) Swann. He too is aghast and refuses the marriage and off he goes into the park where he encounters none-other-than Ugly Duck Daisy. Here, dripping wet from the rain, they seek shelter in a gazebo and both express their disgust for the other, they both hate one another and neither wants to get married. Daisy comes up with a plan but Theodore will hear nothing of it, so off Daisy goes. It isn’t until Theo finds he’s locked out of his Men’s Club that he goes back to Daisy and takes her up on her offer. They fake their engagement.

 Throughout the rest of the tail, we are met with a lot of tension between the two as well as a lot of sparks and love blossoming. We also learn some truths to each of their pasts’ and some hidden talents. Theo learns of Daisy’s experiments in making her facial cream and he helps her enhance it; by purchasing a store and finding just the perfect containers to put it in as well as the most perfect name, but dear readers’ you must read the tale to find out what its name is and how this all unfolds. All I can tell you is you will absolutely love this tale and both Theo and Daisy will touch your heart!

One thing I love most about Daisy is her strong drive for independence and success, it isn’t just about making money but about helping women. We learn in this tale some amazing historical facts: during this time period makeup was not worn by a respectable lady, it was for actresses or worse, prostitutes, a Lady never would wear such a thing. So, in our tale, Daisy, with the help of Theo comes up with some really clever ways of selling her product. We see such a change in both our H and h, but most importantly Daisy, she challenges the rules of the day and takes them on and in fact, begins to change them. I feel many women of today will be able to relate to Daisy for we are still fighting for our rights and fighting against the norms and rules placed upon us women and we are ever striving to change them.

An absolutely wonderful tale and Rodale’ did an amazing job of creating a fictional tale whilst weaving in the realities of the day in the late 1800s and showing us just how it was for men and women in those days. Bravo to her, what an amazing writer she is. I feel you are going to absolutely love this book and it deserves a place in every woman’s library!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Review & Blog Tour ~ The Earl Next Door - First Comes Love by Amelia Grey


 What does a fiercely independent young widow really want? One determined suitor is about to find out…

When Adeline, Dowager Countess of Wake, learns of her husband’s sudden death, she realizes she’s free. At last, she can do, go, and be as she pleases. Finally, she can have the life she has always dreamed of. She doesn’t need, or want, to remarry. Especially not the supremely dashing future Marquis of Marksworth, who makes Adeline yearn for his desire…

Lord Lyonwood, son of a philandering marquis, will not be like his father. He wants to run his estates and watch them flourish—and find a wife who brings love to his life. When he meets spirited and self-reliant Adeline in a case of near-scandalous mistaken identity, Lyon feels he’s met his match. But Adeline isn’t interested in a marriage proposal. She will only accept becoming his lover—and Lyon finds it hard to refuse. Unless the fire of his passion can melt Adeline’s resolve…

OH wow, what an amazing tale! You are going to need 5 large teapots for this tale will keep you up all night! This is a new author to me and I must admit she has blown me away with her writing! Truly impeccable! 

Lady Adeline, a widow, with the help of her two widow friends start a boarding school for unfortunate girls to help teach them how to sew and other useful tasks in order to help them learn a trade to avoid a life of poverty. There is just one problem, her school sits next to the Marquis, Lord Lyonwood who at first mistakes her and her school for a brothel, not only that he also begins taking over the neighborhood and Lady Adeline's carriage can't get down her own drive, so she must walk in the rain. Well, being the strong, determined woman that she is, she barges into his card party and demands his friends not park their carriages along the whole street blocking her from her own drive. Well, Lord Lyonwood is absolutely taken by this spirited woman and soon as more challenges come their way, sparks begin to fly and their hearts begin to melt for one another!

I absolutely loved these characters and especially adore Adeline, she's just so gutsy and spirited and I can't wait to see the future stories about her friends and see how her school continues to grow! Truly a wonderful story and if you're looking for a good historical with a spirited heroine than this is the tale for you!


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author AMELIA GREY read her first romance book when she was thirteen and she’s been a devoted reader of love stories ever since. Her awards include the Booksellers Best, Aspen Gold, and the Golden Quill. Writing as Gloria Dale Skinner, she won the coveted Romantic Times Award for Love and Laughter and the prestigious Maggie Award. Her books have sold to many countries in Europe, Indonesia, Turkey, Russia, and most recently to Japan. Several of her books have also been featured in Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Clubs. Amelia is the author of over twenty-five books. She’s been happily married to her high school sweetheart for over thirty-five years and she lives on the beautiful gulf coast of Northwest Florida.

Author website: http://www.ameliagrey.com/

SMP Romance Twitter: @SMPRomance or @heroesnhearts

Monday, June 3, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ A Match Made in London - The Twice Shy Series by Christina Britton

A Match Made in London
by Christina Britton
Genre: Historical Romance

Miss Rosalind Merriweather’s life has been one of hardship and servitude since her late sister’s ruination. Now a paid companion, her latest post brings her to London to watch over the daughter of a social climbing harridan. She vows to protect her charge―and her own heart―from rakes and libertines, the very type of man who destroyed her sister. This vow proves difficult when Sir Tristan Crosby, the epitome of all she despises, begins to show attention to the girl.

Tristan has spent decades perfecting his easygoing, charming persona to hide the damage done by years of abuse by his father. Finding he has a talent for matchmaking, he fills some of the emptiness inside him by helping the overlooked, shy women of London find true love. However, the latest young woman has a watchdog of a companion who seems to see beyond his careful façade to the flawed, uncertain soul he strives to hide from the world. Even worse, she affects him in ways no woman ever has.

But he will not give up his matchmaking, even for one such as her. What he does not expect is for Rosalind to be fired from her position because of it―nor that she will immediately find a position in his own household. When these two headstrong adversaries meet under one roof, will their attraction to one another lead to heartbreak, or have these two passionate souls finally met their match?

Christina Britton developed a passion for writing romance novels shortly after buying her first at the tender age of thirteen. Though for several years she turned to art and put brush instead of pen to paper, she has returned to her first love and is now writing full time. She spends her days dreaming of corsets and cravats and noblemen with tortured souls.

She lives with her husband and two children in the San Francisco Bay Area. A member of Romance Writers of America, she also belongs to her local chapter, Silicon Valley RWA, and is a 2017 RWA® Golden Heart® winner. Her debut novel, With Love in Sight, was released by Diversion Books in early 2018.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

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