Sunday, February 14, 2021

Review ~ 5 Stars for Winning the Schoolmarm by USA Today Bestselling Authors Lacy Williams


I wish I could give this book 100 stars for that's what it deserves! Winning the Schoolmarm is my first book by Lacy Williams and I have to say it is one of the best books I've read thus far this year! I absolutely loved the character Cecilia, she is a strong, amazing woman who doesn't give up on her students or the love of her life! I definitely highly recommend this tale to any historical romance lover! I can't wait to read more from this amazing author!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Indigo by Paula Berinstein



by Paula Berinstein
Genre: Time Travel Romance, Adventure

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself mistress of an 18th-century plantation?

Esther Rubens is looking forward to getting to know her new community in South Carolina and repairing her troubled marriage. But as soon as she arrives in Charleston her life begins to diverge from the idyllic picture in her mind. Her physicist husband, Melvin, is arrested for driving while black, she inherits a strange English property from a cousin she didn't know existed, and she learns that her great-grandmother Sophie, a brilliant scientist kidnapped by the Nazis, discovered the secret of time travel of all things.

Intrigued by Sophie's cryptic journal Melvin begins to experiment with time travel, but his anger at the police makes him careless. The process backfires, killing him and throwing Esther back to 1750. Attacked by an unknown assailant the moment she arrives, she seeks protection at an indigo plantation belonging to a dashing planter with a dangerous secret, negotiating a deal that guarantees her safety. But she soon realizes she's made a terrible mistake. What she discovers on the plantation is far more horrific than anything she could have imagined.

Overwhelmed, she attempts to flee just as the planter's mysterious, handsome brother arrives from England seeking refuge-and offering an opportunity that's too compelling to turn down. But can he be trusted? And are the two of them strong enough to vanquish the evil that's pervading the lowlands? Only time will tell.

The first title in the Indigo series.

Indigo Excerpt: Esther Meets Jesse


The next day I was eating breakfast when a tall, rather disheveled dark-haired man barged into the dining room, just like that. There was something in his eyes that looked desperate and dangerous and made me nervous. If Daniel hadn’t been there I think I might have run, especially since as soon as the newcomer caught sight of me he stared in the most peculiar way. But then Daniel got up and embraced him, and I knew that somehow it must be all right. I still felt nervous though because as he held Daniel the visitor was still looking at me over his shoulder.

“Jesse!” Daniel said as he clapped the big man on the back.

“Daniel!” the man returned with a hug and a smile. They were obviously keen to see each other.

Surely this wasn’t one of my fiancĂ©’s lovers. He was handsome enough, that was for sure, but I knew that Daniel was trying to hide his proclivities, and this was hardly the way to go about that.

“Esther, my betrothed,” Daniel beamed. “Meet my brother, Dr. Jesse Peacock, fresh from England.” He sniffed and made a face. “Perhaps not so fresh after all.”

That explained that. Of course. Now I could see the resemblance, and I could also see that Jesse was extraordinarily good looking, much more so than Daniel. Both brothers had beautifully sculpted jaws, Roman noses, and thick, flowing eyebrows, but where Daniel was all gold and light, Jesse was dark and mysterious, with light olive skin that gave him a distinctly Spanish appearance. His eyes were as black as Pixy’s skin, while Daniel’s were a light shade of brown that was more like tortoise shell. Jesse was taller too—maybe six three or four to Daniel’s six foot one or two. I knew from what Daniel had told me that Jesse was the youngest of the four Peacock siblings and was about my age, twenty-seven. That he had made it all the way from England exactly in time for our wedding was nothing less than astonishing. Obviously he had left before Daniel and I had even met. Other than that I knew absolutely nothing about him. For all I knew he was as uncouth as Daniel.

Jesse took my hand and kissed it, but I could see the surprise in his eyes. “My brother has good taste,” he said diplomatically. He was still staring at me though, and I was beginning to feel nervous.

Paula Berinstein (Paula B) is the author of the Amanda Lester, Detective middle-grade/YA series, which features a descendant of the Sherlock Holmes character Inspector Lestrade and is set in the English Lake District.

She is also the author of a new time travel series for adults, Indigo.

From 2005 to 2012, Paula produced and hosted the popular podcast The Writing Show ( She holds degrees in English literature and librarianship from UCLA.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon giftcard– 2 winners!

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ A Detestable Name by Arabella Brown



A Detestable Name
by Arabella Brown
Genre: Chaste Regency Romance

Pitchforked into the title by his brother’s death, the new Lord Newsam arrives at the grim family home in Yorkshire to face daunting challenges. His peevish, self-absorbed mother despises him. The servants are insubordinate. He hardly knows his sisters, for whom he’s expected to find husbands. The estate is ill-run and unprofitable, and the bailiff obstructive. And in the midst of all this, he must find a wife for himself – but the only woman he wants won’t have him. 
To widowed, impoverished Mary Thorpe, the very name of Newsam is detestable: his brother drove her husband to suicide and made her a social outcast. But Lord Newsam insists on rescuing her from penury. The shocking realisation that she is falling in love with him in spite of herself makes her situation even more complicated. How can she let him ruin his own family’s reputation by marrying her? There seems to be no solution – until every objection is swept away by a ball nobody wants to attend and a startling discovery on their return.



Mrs. Thorpe sobered. "My lord, I have no wish to ruin this wonderful day, but you must not persist in this familiarity. No other relationship is possible. I assure you I am perfectly adamant, for your sake and for the sake of Gomersall." She forced a smile. "But I have not had so lighthearted a time since I cannot remember when! And for that, I do say 'thank you', my very good friend."

She gave him both her hands; he took them for only a moment, though it seemed to her he would have liked to have held them for longer; and then, saying nothing, he returned to the tilbury and drove back to the Hall.

 He was met at the door by Badger, who approached him with the disdainful look that Lord Newsam was convinced he reserved exclusively for him.

"My lord, Lady Newsam and Miss Newsam desire your presence in my lady's parlour with the utmost celerity," he announced in the pompous tone that always irritated Lord Newsam.

"All right," said Lord Newsam briefly, and went upstairs. "Did you want me, Mama?" he asked mildly as he entered. He observed that Lady Newsam appeared to be in a state of prostration, lying on the couch while Amelia offered her occasional sniffs at the vinaigrette and fanned her face. Charlotte was absent.

"Granville! At last!" his mother exclaimed feebly. "Amelia will tell you what has occurred!"

The memory of the pleasurable day he had spent away from Gomersall only exacerbated Lord Newsam's vexation at being confronted by difficulties the instant he returned. "Great heavens, not another domestic crisis!" he exclaimed uncharitably.

"I am so sorry, Granville, I am afraid it is!" said Amelia regretfully. "It is Charlotte, you see! For some reason she has been down in the kitchens – I cannot imagine what has attracted her; she has never displayed any interest in them before! – and she seems to have been poking around and asking questions and Philippe – the cook, you know! – has taken offence – he is always temperamental and I have often had to mollify him – I am sure it is a consequence of his being a Comte in exile – and he has given notice, and nothing I say will change his mind!"

"Let him go, then!" said Lord Newsam shortly.

Lady Newsam gave a piteous moan. Amelia said, "Nobody has ever suited Mama half so well! He knows just how to please her!"

"Let Badger try to persuade him, then!" said her brother.

Amelia shook her head. "He considers Badger his inferior," she informed him discouragingly. "Granville, you are the court of last resort! Do, please, try!" she implored.

Lord Newsam acceded with an ill grace and ordered the cook to attend him in his office. Not long afterwards, Philippe entered, a weedy individual with an air of offended self-consequence.

"I understand that you have given notice," said Lord Newsam indifferently.

"Oui! I 'ave been insult' more zan 'uman can bear!" Philippe averred. "I leave at ze week end!"

"All right," said Lord Newsam.

The cook stared at him, dumfounded. "I am leave'!" he reiterated.

"You need not wait until the weekend; you may go now," Lord Newsam offered helpfully. "I shall get the cook in from the Dower House."

"What! A mere wooman in ze Gomersall kitchen!" exclaimed Philippe in horror. "Zis cannot be!"

"Well, we must eat," Lord Newsam pointed out practically. "And I am not particular about my food, in any case."

"But Madame! She will wizzer away!"

"Not at all; she will learn to do without the dainties you provide: that is all." Lord Newsam remained unmoved.

"Non! You are torture' your own muzzer! She tell me all ze time 'ow she love my cooking! You 'ave no feeling, milor'!"

"Granted, I have no sympathy for her delicate palate!" agreed Lord Newsam. "But it is you who have no feeling, deserting my mother over some silly nonsense!"

"Silly nonsense! When Miss Charlotte, she come ask' question – where I get zis? 'ow I make zat? – I am not good enough? I am good enough for Madame but not good enough for Mademoiselle?" explained Philippe indignantly. "Is zis 'ow I am treat'?"

"Has it not occurred to you that she was not criticising, she was asking to learn? And asking the greatest expert she knew? And for this you wish to give notice?"  Lord Newsam made a shooing motion. "Go, then, if you cannot even understand the greatest compliment of all!"

The cook stood silent. He was not accustomed to thinking further than the week's menus, and this complex philosophical point came close to evading him. At length, however, he grasped the issue. "She wish me to teach 'er?" he asked, his eyes lighting. "Ze noble Mademoiselle a student of Philippe? Ciel! Why she not say before? But of course!"

Lord Newsam held up a finger. "Only one day a week! She has many other duties!"  He could visualise the cook demanding Charlotte at all hours of the day; the man was capable of it.

"Ah, oui!" responded the cook, only a little disappointed. "One day a week, I teach Mademoiselle to cook comme des anges!"  He departed borne upon clouds of imagined glory.

Although she now lives in the U.K., Arabella Brown grew up in a small U.S. town. She spent most of her youth in the local Carnegie Public Library (thank you, Mr. Carnegie!), where she learned that intensive reading does more to broaden your horizons than school does. She still reads voraciously and her house is lined with thousands of books. Despite her emphasis on meticulous research, it’s the plot and the characters she particularly loves to create. She enjoys Jane Austen’s and Georgette Heyer’s novels and wishes there were more of them.
Under another name, Ms Brown has published a number of novels set in periods ranging from the 12th century to the 1960’s. This is her first Regency.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon 

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Once A Lady - Mayfair Series by J. R. Salisbury



Once a Lady
Mayfair Series Book 5
by J R Salisbury
Genre: Historical Romance

CONCLUSION to book 4, Wicked Is The Duke!
Lady Caroline has made a mess of her life. She flees not knowing whether her husband, the earl of Carlisle still lives. Luckily, fate has another twist for her.
Enter Ewan Drummond, duke of Kirkcaldy. The handsome duke offers her a place to go while she determines what the earl is up to, if he even lives. His mother is in need of a companion. Lady Caroline's brother, Lord Montgomery accepts on her behalf and they leave for the duke's home in Scotland.
She finds Drummond easy to talk to, but is well aware the man has secrets of his own. Why does he leave the house in the middle of the night, and where does he go?
Can he be of assistance or will involving himself sully his reputation?

**Only .99 cents!! **



They were admiring a statute of two lovers sitting off to one side of the lit path. It depicted what she'd heard about the count. Two lovers in an erotic embrace. She couldn't pull her eyes away. Never had she seen anything like it other than in a museum.

She felt his hot breath on her neck as they stood quietly. His lips lightly feathered kisses along the back of her neck, sending a desirous urge scorching through her body. She turned slightly to face him, and when she did, his lips met hers. It was unlike any kiss she'd ever encountered. It was anything but gentle, but rather the kiss was greedy and needy.

His tongue parted her lips as he desperately explored the depths of her mouth. She opened to him, her desire for him unlike anything she'd felt before. She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his hands pulling her bottom closer to his hardened cock. They were lost to the outside world, caught up in their private world.

Suddenly he pulled away, breaking the kiss. "I apologize. I don't know what got into me."

She smiled. "I think you wanted to kiss me, just as much as I wanted you to kiss me. There's no shame in that, Kirkcaldy."

"I had no right. You belong to another," he rasped.

"And we both know the story behind Carlisle and me. That's another facet to my life. One I wish to put behind me. I thought you knew that."

"I do," he replied. "Still, I had no right."

"You had every right. Soon, I hope the earl will grow tired of trying to search for me and will see divorce is the only way for us."

He rubbed his finger along her cheek. "You're a smart, beautiful woman, Lady Caroline. The day will come when the earl will set you free. Then you'll go back to your life, and I'll return to mine."

"And we both know what sort of life I will have. None. My parents have disowned me; I have nowhere else to go. For now, my life revolves around being a friend and companion to your mother."

"For which I'm very grateful."

"Come, let us enjoy the rest of the evening."

He gave her an odd look. "You're simply going to pretend what just happened between us didn't happen?"

"What is it going to take to make you understand, Kirkcaldy?"

"What I want is to forget the outside world. I want you, Caro. I have since the day I met you."


I've always been a creative individual. Writing is just a facet of that creativity...
My careers in public relations in and around the entertainment industry, photography, editing,  artist management, modeling and special event planning all elevated my passion for writing, not to mention gave me a treasure trove for story lines.
I write women's fiction; contemporary romance (as Jamie Salisbury) and historical romance (as JR Salisbury) which is ever evolving. I am fortunate enough that writing (and marketing of said product(s)) is my full-time job, although I always have one or two other projects going at the same time.
I now live in a suburb of Atlanta. Some of my other interests include photography, equestrianism, reading, and of course, travel.
I sincerely hope my writing will entertain, enlighten, and inspire others to pick up the pen and pursue their own dreams. I love to be contacted by readers, writers, and history buffs.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon 

Pre Order Blitz ~ Murder on the Steel Pier - A Tess Mancini Time Travel Mystery by Rosie Genoca

  Pre-Order Blitz Murder on the Steel Pier A Tess Mancini Time Travel Mystery By Rosie Genova   About the Book: Genres: An Adul...