Saturday, July 13, 2019

Rogue Most Wanted - The Cavensham Heiresses by Janna MacGregor

Teatime and Books Historical Reads


Rogue Most Wanted
The Cavensham Heiresses: Book 5


Janna MacGregor

Released June 25, 2019

St. Martin’s Press
Fiction/Romance/Historical/Scottish Historical/Regency Historical

Amazing book, and so well deserving of 5 full teacups! Be prepared for a long night of sipping tea and melting into this amazing world that Ms. MacGregor has created! I was just so taken by Theodora and William's tale of such pain yet such amazing, deep love. There is no better partner for Theodora than William, he's become her rock and the one she can truly depend upon.

I also loved how the author brings in the theme of aging through the character of Theodora's grandfather. He goes senile and she gives up her whole life to help take care of him and keep him out of being institutionalized, even being blamed for his death. She was there for him, as he forgot her day by day more and more, his memories and life just slipped away but she still loved him and stayed by his side. Back in the 1800's a person suffering from what we know today as Alzheimer's would have been put in an institution, cut-off from society and possibly faced some pretty brutal treatments. So, bravo to the author for bringing in this amazing theme into this tale and I just love Theodora and her love is truly remarkable!

 This is truly just an amazing story which I most highly recommend it and this whole series!

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